增强代码的Object Oriented和Functional Programming特性。
Construct HTML using template strings.
Eliminate if/else blocks with hash maps.
Collapse multiple arguments with a config object.
Pre-bind arguments to make point-free functions.
Break complex conditionals with intention revealing .variables.
Inline IIFE for complex initialization.
Use hoisting/composed-method to focus on important code.
1.使用ES6的template string来替换不好用的html文本
var html = '' + '';//使用template直接就可以像些angular的模板一样在js代码中插入htmllet tmp_html = `' + title + '' + ' ' + '`;${title}
function getSomething(type) { if (type === 'boy') { return '/img/bog.jpg' } else if (type === 'man') { return '/img/man.jpg' } else if (type === 'girl') { return '/img/girl.jpg' } else (type === 'woman') { return '/img/woman.jpg' }}//hash-mapfunction getSomething(type) { var typeMap = { boy: '/img/bog.jpg', man: '/img/man.jpg', girl: '/img/girl.jpg', woman: '/img/woman.jpg', } return typeMap[type] || '/img/default.jpg';}//当condition或者type条件很复杂的时候,可以把他们提取出来,以便维护import typeMap from './conditions';
function formatNumber(value, decimals, asPercent, prefix, suffix) { var formattedNumber = value; //do something return formattedNumber;}formatNumber(10,2,false,'','%');//利用ES6默认值特性,以及对象定义参数function formatNumber({value=0, decimals=0, asPercent=false, prefix=‘’, suffix=‘’}){}var num = 20;formatNumber({value: num, suffix:'%'});
function doOperation(name='default', args=[]) { // 这是一个通过name来决定操作方法的函数}function findSome() { return Promise.resolve('LS460h');}function getCarList() { return Promise.resolve({size:4800, seats:5, output:6.0});}findSome().then(args => { doOperation('searchCar', args);});getCarList().then(args => { doOperation('buyLexus', args);});//修改过程//先通过bind函数,将操作方法从参数导入的方式分离成2个函数var play = doOperation.bind(null, 'searchCar');var buy = doOperation.bind(null, 'buyLexus');findSome().then(play);getCarList().then(buy);
import _ from 'lodash';var age, gamer = [], adNetworks = [], specialAchievements = [];function showGame() { /* do something */}if((age > 0 && age <0) || gamer.isFirstTime || _.some(adNetworks, function(n) { return gamer.network === n; }) || _.some(specialAchievements, function(ach) { return gamer.specialAchievement = ach; })) { showGame(); }
var conditions = [ () => { return age > 0 && age <0; }, () => gamer.isFirstTime, () => { return _.some(adNetworks, n => gamer.network === n); }, () => { return _.some(specialAchievements, ach => gamer.specialAchievement === ach); }, //加入新的条件,就变得很轻松 () => specialAchievements.length > 0];let matches = _.some(conditions, c=>c());if(matches) { showGame(); }
6.使用IIFE(Immediately-Invoked Function Expression)做复杂初始化
var settings = readSettings();var apiUrl = `https://${settings.apiDomain}:${settings.apiPort}/api`;var defaultConfig = { apiUrl:apiUrl, timezone: settings.timezone, account: settings.account, theme: settings.theme}// IIFE var defaultConfig = (() => { var settings = readSettings(); var apiUrl = `https://${settings.apiDomain}:${settings.apiPort}/api`; var defaultConfig = { apiUrl:apiUrl, timezone: settings.timezone, account: settings.account, theme: settings.theme }})();
_fetchData(url) .then(data => { //do something }) .then(transactions => { //do something })//afterimport {processData, renderHtml} from './doSomething'_fetchData(url) .then(processData) .then(renderHtml);